BRUNSWICK COUNTY,NC  A frequent question–perhaps the most frequent question–we get when we are out in the community is, how many people are experiencing homelessness here in Brunswick County?

The correct and accurate answer is that we don’t know, because we can’t count everyone, just the people we come into contact with. But this answer lacks something in its satisfaction value, so this article sets out to address some results based on just that–the people we come into contact with.

And come into contact with them we do. Our primary method of interacting with clients at Brunswick County Homeless Coalition is via our toll-free 888-519-5362 information and assistance line. Clients call us and explain their situations, and our volunteers work to find (and, hopefully, fund) a solution that helps them stay in, or move towards, safe, stable, permanent housing.

Because of this, we have records of how many clients literally had no place to sleep at night, and required emergency shelter, which can yield an average number over time (a number that seems to be trending upwards). Keep in mind that this figure doesn’t capture the actual number of people experiencing homelessness–it misses those that we were unable to find a placement for, those who were helped by other agencies (such as Brunswick Partnership for Housing, Brunswick Family Assistance Agency, Brunswick County Streetreach, and others), and, of course, it misses those who had nowhere to stay but did not get in contact with us.

The numbers are as follows: In 2022, of the 885 clients we helped, 110 were placed into emergency shelter directly by BCHC. In 2023, of the 1044 clients we helped, 98 were placed into emergency shelter. So far in 2024 (through the end of April), we’ve placed 78 clients into emergency shelter.

That is, during 2022 and 2023, an average of 8-9 clients per month–and this year, 19 clients per month–experiencing literal homelessness here in Brunswick County. Those are our numbers.

Frequently–especially close to and during tourist season–we (and the other organizations helping with emergency shelter) are paying rack rates at motels, with no special price break. This gets expensive quickly, limiting our ability to help. You can help out by donating to Brunswick County Homeless Coalition–or indeed to any of the many organizations here in Brunswick County who are helping to provide emergency shelter to those who need it most.

Thanks for your interest in this subject, one near and dear to our hearts. For more information, contact Brunswick County Homeless Coalition at 888-519-5362 or

Lack of homeless shelters in Brunswick County leaves many struggling
By Ava Brendgord
Jan. 19, 2024

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. (WECT) – Joe Staton moved to Brunswick County back in 2012. But, it was a long road to get here.

“I didn’t have any money; I didn’t have any resources.”

Staton was homeless, living in a shelter. Now, he’s on the opposite end of the spectrum, serving as president of the Brunswick County Homeless Coalition.

“At the time when I was homeless, I received a lot of help. So, I just feel grateful for receiving the help and I’m very glad to help pass it forward.”

In Brunswick County, homelessness hasn’t historically been an issue. But, as the population grows, so does the need for a brick-and-mortar shelter.

“It’s very frustrating to come in contact with clients who are in need of shelter and not have somewhere to put them.”

[…] “We’ve been making slow progress and by we I mean everybody in the community.”

Even with the coalition’s resources, he’s concerned it may not be enough to help those in need, but he’s staying optimistic.

“I am very hopeful that soon we’ll have a shelter.”

Story Copyright 2024 WECT. All rights reserved. Read original on WECT website.

In 2023, Brunswick County Homeless Coalition helped a total of 1044 clients through our 1-888-519-5362 information and assistance line. BCHC helped 130 clients with utility assistance, 185 clients with rent, 98 already-homeless clients with emergency shelter, 17 clients with other direct aid, and 747 clients with referrals to other agencies or resources. Our total output on these efforts was about $35,000.  For more information, visit our website at