Brunswick County Homeless Coalition is in need of active volunteers to help our organization grow.

We need help in several areas:

  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Advocating
  • Direct Services
  • Media/Marketing
  • Membership Recruiting
  • And more.  Specific Needs Listed Below.

Please fill out our short form to get started!

If you aren’t able to contact us by the online form, you can call us to volunteer or for more volunteer information at 1-888-519-5362 (leave message), or email us at bchcrt@gmail.com.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to help the homeless and those in need in Brunswick County.

    I'm Interested in Volunteering where needed.I'm Interested in Volunteering in a specific area.

    Some opportunities for volunteer work within BCHC

    • Volunteer Coordinator (or Assistant)

      • Keeps up with volunteer listings

      • Emails meeting reminders and other communication to members

      • Maintains skills inventories

      • Tracks who is involved with what

      • Point of introductory contact for new volunteers

    • Financial Campaign Coordinator (or Assistant)

      • Oversees and manages grant-writing and fundraising activities

      • Grants Coordinator

        • Coordinates researching and writing of grants

          • Grant Writer

            • Researches and writes grants

      • Fundraising Coordinator

        • Organizes and manages fundraising events

          • Fundraising Volunteer

            • Works to make events happen

    • Direct Aid Telephone Volunteer

      • Takes calls on our 888 number and performs intake

      • Provisions direct aid to clients where possible

      • Refers clients to other agencies or appropriate resources

    • Data Entry Volunteer

      • Enters Direct Aid or other records into spreadsheet or database software

      • Enables reporting for grand writing, education, and advocacy efforts

    • Membership Secretary (or Assistant)

      • Takes minutes at membership meetings and records them in written form

    • Client Outcome Evaluation Volunteer

      • Follows up with clients to track outcomes

    • Social Media Publicist (or Assistant)

      • Volunteer writes brief articles whenever BCHC does something notable or appears in media reports, posts them to our website, and shares them on Facebook.