Leland gathering raises awareness and funds to fight homelessness, hunger
Saturday, November 18th 2017, 8:41 pm EST
By: Ben Smart, Reporter, WECT

WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) – About a hundred people gathered at the Brunswick Center in Leland for the Sixth Annual Hunger & Homeless Banquet Saturday.
Community leaders, experts, formerly homeless people, and concerned citizens were among the attendees.
The purpose of the event was to educate the community about homelessness, but also to raise funds for the Brunswick County Homeless Coalition, which put on the event.
According to data provided at the event, there were 322 sheltered and unsheltered homeless people in Brunswick County in a count January 2017.
The Brunswick County Homeless Coalition assists about 300 people struggling with homelessness every year, according to the Co-President of the coalition.
Volunteer Joe Staton faced homelessness four years ago, but eventually got back onto his feet. Now, Staton volunteers with the Brunswick County Homeless Coalition.
“When I moved to Brunswick County I was homeless. And through a process of getting help… I was able to get an apartment, somewhere to live,” said Staton. “So now I volunteer to try to give back something and help the ones who still need it.”
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